Thursday 19 November 2015

Term 4 Week 6 2015

On Tuesday I got braces I got 6 at the top and 6 down the bottom. In the morning I was so excited because I was getting my braces. So I got all ready to go to the orthodontist. At 9 am we hoped into the car and we drove for 45 minutes we went to new market that's were we went to get my braces the company is called Alpers Dental.

When we got there went up the stairs and sat down to wait for the orthodontist to get ready. At 9.48 we went into the room where I was going to get my braces. When I was in the chair the orthodontist whispered "lets get started' so they got started. They whispered when we put the glue on your teeth and put the braces on the glue there will be a bright light. So I closed my eyes the hole time because I just felt like it and at the end they will use a bright light.

When I got my braces on I went to school at about 12.30 when I was in class everybody crowded jokes they didn't but lots of people asked why purple and why ye getting them so young man and you look swag with pink man THE END.

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